Friday, July 22, 2011

Night Fog

Like a phantom lover, the Night Fog embraces our cottage in the woods.  In the morning,  we see the damp trails of his feet on our porch.  The chairs where we love to sit with our morning coffee are covered with fog-prints, and we smile and place a blanket down upon which to sit.  He lingers at the tops of “our” trees, and drips a blessing off of the eaves into our coffee cups! We love this precious Night Fog lover as he nourishes our souls along with the glorious redwoods.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Socks and Porridge

Cat loves to spin yarn almost straight from the sheep!   HA!  Then she likes to knit what she spins.
We have many a laugh over her attempt to knit a PAIR of socks at a time on one circular needle, from the toes up!  Yes, TWO of them! 

She started on one pair that grew and grew, went to the knitting shop and had to unravel the whole mess, and begin again!  Ugg! So, that pair is going fine, now!  She says she doesn't mind, as she is learning how to do this. By the way, each sock looks different because of the patterned yarn!

Of course, one can have two projects going at the same time, so she began another pair, from the toes up, large on purpose so they could be shrunk and felted afterwards, to fit her feet.  In the beginning, we laughed about them looking like that "Itsy-bitsy, teeny-weenie, purple polka dot bikini"...But once again they grew and grew and grew, until  we were practically "rolling-on-the-floor-laughing-out-loud" at the sister sized bikini top..if you get my drift!!

Just before bed, that night, after all the hootin' and hollerin' I set up the crockpot for breakfast.  A cup of brown rice, 2 1/2 cups oatmeal, a bunch of chopped dates, apricots, some raisins, a dash of salt and lots of water..about 8 cups,including several cups of ice cubes, maybe. I didn't want it to overcook! I set the pot on low, and in the morning we had delicious porridge,   And the next morning, and for lunch and the next morning, etc, until it was gone!  YUM! I love having "instant" food ready to eat at a moment's notice!  I think next time I may add chocolate chips! And almonds.  Or walnuts.  Or.......

Friday, May 27, 2011

Midnight Snack

We said "Goodnight" and went to bed.

I lay there, stomach rumbling, and I remembered what I had eaten that day..not much, actually.  But, I've gone to bed hungry before, no big deal.  For at least 30 minutes, I told myself to ignore it.
Suddenly, I sat up on the edge of the bed and said "I give up!" I headed for the kitchen.

Cat wasn't asleep, (we share the bedroom), and wondered what I was doing.  From the loft upstairs, Rachel asked if I was getting something to eat. "Yes, I'm having yogurt".

The next thing I knew, Cat was in the kitchen stirring up gluten free pancake batter, I was eating my yogurt, and Rachel got out the butter and the maple syrup.  We laughed alot!

This whole escapade took 20 minutes, and we all slept well!